„The highest and most beautiful things in life are not to be heard about,

nor read about, nor seen but, if one will, are to be lived.“

 (Søren Kierkegaard)

Why Yoga for men?


In Germany, yoga is (almost still) a women's domain.

Meditation, relaxation and mindfulness - these terms tend to be associated with women in the western world.

For men, it therefore sometimes takes a lot of effort to to get involved in yoga. There are still prejudices in people's minds about yoga and the practice of yoga.  Yet for most of its millennia-old tradition, yoga was purely a man's practice! It was only at the beginning of the 20th century that female yoga students were accepted.

Fortunately, a change is noticeable. More and more athletes are opting for additional balancing yoga sessions and even the German national soccer team included yoga in its training schedule a few years ago. included yoga in its training schedule a few years ago.




What advantages does it bring?


Incidentally, there are many good reasons for men to get on the mat regularly. Regardless of their age, constitution or flexibility.


To name just the most important ones:


Enhanced mobility

Regular yoga helps you to become more flexible and at the same time reduces the risk of injury during sport.


More concentration

Practicing yoga means being able to concentrate on something,

to block out the unimportant. And that is the prerequisite,

to be able to focus on something and counteract inner restlessness. 


Confident posture

We have become accustomed to poor posture due to constant sitting. Yoga helps here, as it strengthens the core and lengthens the spine. And people with straight posture have a self-confident appearance and good self-esteem!


Good sleep, less stress

If you practise yoga, you will notice how the quality and duration of your sleep improves. This counteracts signs of fatigue and can reduce anxiety and stress. 



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